Frequently Questioned
Your deepest, darkest desires, illuminated
- Do I need insurance?
Yes. Not only is insurance a really good idea to protect your production and crew, it’s a requirement when renting from Horizon. The bare minimum is rented equipment coverage meeting the replacement value of the equipment on your order, which will be listed on your quote. We require a certificate of insurance listing Horizon Cine Glass as additional insured and loss payee. We also require that customer insurance policies have *no* unlocked/unattended vehicle exclusion. Make sure to ask your agent about that one— many insurance policies exclude coverage of unlocked or unattended vehicles by default, which can be a huge amount of exposure.
- How do I pay you?
We prefer check or ACH Payment. Bank details for ACH will be on your invoice. We can also set up a link for credit card payment, but as our financial institution charges a 3% transaction fee, we have to tack that charge onto our invoices. If you’re a first-time renter, we require payment before the equipment can leave our facility. Existing customers can request net30 terms.
- Can I come for play time?
That’s the core of our existence. It’s always a good idea to give us a jingle beforehand— demos are subject to gear availability, and sometimes it gets real busy in here, which is not always conducive to testing.
- What if there’s stuff I want that’s not on your site?
Just ask! Before Horizon, there was a lot of running around to various owner/operators to collect bits and pieces, which often consumed most of a prep day. Now, much of that gear is housed at Horizon, but we still maintain relationships with other owner/ops and rental houses across the country to be able to supply just about anything you could want.
- What about grip and lighting?
Horizon is a camera-department-centric rental house. We do stock a few things for rigging cameras to things, but beyond that we’re happy to help point you in the right direction with local vendors and crew to help safely and securely execute your plans.