Angenieux EZ-1 Zoom

These were originally purchased for very pragmatic purposes— relatively lightweight and fast lenses for doc style shooting. However, once they got in the hands of several cinematographers they became known for their gentle skin tones, soft textures and versatility beyond run and gun operations. The EZ1 has been the workhorse, it can be a wide enough focal length range to be the only lens in the kit on certain jobs. It's also a neat trick to use it in FF mode on an S35 imager— still relatively fast but now gives you a little bit of telephoto reach as well.

Angenieux EZ-1 PL mount cinema zoom lens S35 or FF available for rental at Horizon Cine Glass in Saint Louis.
MODEFocal LengthMountClose FocusMax ApertureFront DiameterIris BladesImage Circle IlluminationWeight (lb)

Lion’s Choice – Tasting is Believing

director Dustie Carter takes you on a quirky walk down memory lane in this :30 spot for Lion’s Choice.