GL Optics Leica R

Yes, you're reading this right. We have two different sets of vintage Leica R primes. This set was rehoused by GL Optics, which is a slightly different approach than the TLS set. The look will be nearly identical, but the GL Optics set has replaced all the irises with modern 9-blade assemblies. The GL housings are slightly larger and heavier than the TLS, and deeper compendiums mean potentially less flare, which may be a consideration. The GL set also comes with a few more focal lengths, if that strikes your fancy.

Set of vintage Leica R PL mount cinema prime lenses rehoused by GL Optics available for rental at Horizon Cine Glass in Saint Louis.
Focal LengthMountClose FocusMax ApertureFront DiameterIris BladesImage Circle IlluminationWeight (lb)
15mm (mod)LPLF3.5944mm2.2
135mm PL28″T2.9110mm944mm4.1

Right Guard

The Shop and Townsend Hurst present an energetic :15 spot for Right Guard. Cinematography by Adrian Petrosian