Laowa 24mm FF Pro2be Probe Set

This is Laowa's second generation of probe lenses. Major improvements have been made in image quality, and the T8 speed is much more friendly than the first generation's f14 rating. Alongside those changes are new configurations— the straight probe remains, but joining it are a periscope style probe at a 45 degree angle and a straight-body probe with a 35 degree angled front element. The lenses are longer and heavier than the previous generation, but that also means they're submersible up to 36.6cm. The set contains all 3 versions with PL mounts.

Set of Laowa PL mount probe cinema prime lenses available for rental at Horizon Cine Glass in Saint Louis.
VariantMountMax ApertureMacro MagnificationImage CircleWeight
StraightPLT82X43.2mm2.28 lb
35°PLT82X43.2mm2.26 lb
PeriscopePLT82X43.2mm2.35 lb